№1, 2020


Javanshir F. Mamedov, Gulnara Y.Abbasova, Royya O. Narimanova

As part of scientific research on the development of tea growing, which is one of the most profitable agricultural regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the development of hardware and software for automated water supply systems for tea plantations in the mountainous areas proposed. For this, a centralized water supply management system for tea plantations grown in the Lankaran-Astara regions, a central management and control system for water supply facilities are selected, level and flow sensors were selected on the basis of which an automation scheme for the entire water supply system of tea plantations is proposed. To control the process of irrigation of tea plantations, the architecture of an automated water supply system is proposed using new information technologies and software packages Adam.Net Utility, Adam OPC Configurator and Proficy IFIX. Based on the scheme of an automated water supply system for tea plantations, the issues of controller placement, software configuration, commissioning and information links between local control system automation tools are considered (pp.74-81).

Keywords: tea plantation, automation scheme, water supply system, hardware and software, irrigation system, controller, sensor.
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