№2, 2021


Tahmasib Kh. Fataliyev, Salminaz B. Davudova

The article is devoted to the conceptual issues of design of a unified automated research information system. It classifies information resources and presents quality indicators, highlights the need to create a unified information system for science management in e-science environment. It informs about the basic principles of operation, functionality, CRIS architecture based on the integration of scientific research results, and studies the experience of Norway, Great Britain and Russia in creating such systems. The article also highlights similar and different features of these projects, and informs about the work done for their creation. As a result of study of international experience, the need to create such system in Azerbaijan is emphasized, and conceptual issues of the proposed system are developed. The article focuses on existing problems in data flows system, the scheme of coordination and data creation. It is noted that the system will support the solution of issues of evaluation of scientific activities and management of science, increase efficiency, accuracy, transparency in management and lead to progressive and high-quality management (pp.53-63).

Keywords: e-science, management decisions, information support of science, heterogeneous source, CRIS, conceptual model.
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