№2, 2020


Bikes S. Agayev

The article studies the problems of acoustic noise pollution. The relevance of solutions to these problems and their global significance are substantiated. The place of acoustic noise monitoring in the hierarchy of environmental monitoring is indicated. A brief summary of such concepts as the physical nature of noise, the potential danger (harm) of noise to human health, the normalization of noise indicators is given. The goals and purposes of the noise monitoring process are indicated, including its role in the formation of the “Noise Protection” department as part of comprehensive documentation for the design of spatial planning. Methods of measurement processes, calculation of noise parameters and development of noise maps of the area based on monitoring results are studied. A comparative analysis of the main provisions of the international regulations on acoustic noise monitoring and those used in the CIS is provided. The most appropriate of them in terms of the accuracy of measurements and calculations of noise indicators is identified. An algorithm is proposed for monitoring based on the requirements of the selected standard. The article uses general scientific methods and system approach methodologies, such as scientific analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization of results. The research results can be used in the monitoring of acoustic noise pollution in order to determine uncomfortable acoustic zones, as well as in the development of noise maps of the area and the implementation of protective measures to reduce noise pollution based on monitoring results (pp.61-71).

Keywords: environmental problems, environmental pollution, noise pollution, harmful effects of noise, noise monitoring, noise maps, noise protection.
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