№1, 2020


Roza O. Shahverdiyeva

The article is dedicated to the evaluation of innovation projects on the basis of efficiency indicators. Methodological bases for the development of innovation projects in the creation and activity of innovative structures are given. The system of efficiency indicators of innovative structures have been identified. Indicators and criteria for the evaluation of the  innovation projects are proposed. General steps for the algorithm of determining the weight coefficients of criteria for the evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation projects are given. The general algorithm for the implementation of the innovation project has been proposed. Some projects are evaluated by the  experts experimentally in accordance with the weight coefficients of the criteria. Econometric dependence between the complex estimates given to the projects and the parameters affecting the price are determined. The formal and graphical representations of dependencies, as well as the corresponding statistical parameters for the adequacy are given. Some recommendations on project selection, realization processes and evaluation in formation of perspective activity of innovative structures are given (pp.129-141).

Keywords: innovative economy, innovative structures, technoparks, innovative projects, evaluation methods, econometric models.
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