№1, 2020


Eduard I. Vatutin, Vladimir S. Panishchev, Svetlana N. Gvozdeva, Vitaly S. Titov

The article deals with the problem of the analysis of effectiveness of the heuristic methods based on the modification of earlier found decisions in the test problem for getting the shortest path in graph. The article briefly describes the selected group of methods used to solve the problem. The methodology considers the experimental comparison for estimating the quality of solutions based on the performance of computational experiments with the samples of pseudo-randomly structured graphs that uses the BOINC platform. It also presents the description of obtained experimental results which allow to identify the areas of the preferable usage of selected subset of methods depending on the size of the problem and power of constraints. It is shown that the particle swarm optimization, random walks, simulated annealing and bee colony methods are ineffective in the selected problem and significantly inferior to the quality of solutions that are provided by ant colony optimization method and genetic algorithms (pp.3-15).

Keywords: heuristic methods, genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization, random walks, simulated an-nealing, bee colony method, shortest path problem, discrete combinatorial optimization, BOINC.
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