№1, 2012
Studying of dynamics of real estate market carrying out of comparative analyses, automation of management of real estate objects, creation of various thematic cards, studying of indicators of growth etc. are the important questions demanding solution. In the article the possibilities of application of geo information systems and remote sensing (RS) data are investigated, ways of studying of growth dynamics of real estate objects between 2000 and 2010 by means of implementation of space monitoring are reflected. Creation of geographical database (GDB) on the basis of RS data (between 2000 and 2010), definition of active territories in real estate market, calculation of correlation factors between their annual indicators and other figures, definition of absolute growth are the main objectives of conducted research work. In the article the issues of construction of three-dimensional model on the basis of GDB, creation of “map of dynamics of real estate market” and its algorithmic structure by application of a dot method and indicators of absolute growth are also reflected. (pp. 61-69)
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