№2, 2022


Tahmasib Kh. Fataliyev, Shakir A. Mehdiyev

Technological innovations at the forefront of industrial revolutions are applied not only in industry but also create a need for research and applications, as a result of which they are mastered and penetrate other areas of human activity. In this regard, the latest advances in information technology in the field of data generation, storage, transmission and processing during the 4th industrial revolution have led to the transformation of traditional scientific activity and the rapid development of the concept of “data-based science”. The article analyzes the main development stages in the scientific environment, the organization of scientific activities with the widespread use of Industry 4.0 solutions, and its organic connection with the concept of Science 4.0. The essence of Science 4.0 is revealed through the review of studies in the field of the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data analytics, and other intelligent solutions. Conceptual issues of the formation of Science 4.0 are developed and relevant proposals are made for its implementation (pp.40-47).

Keywords: E-science, Industry 4.0, Science 4.0, Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence
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