№2, 2021


Yadigar N. Imamverdiyev

Industrial control systems (ICS) are widely used to control and monitor the production and supply of electricity, water supply and purification, oil and petrochemical industries, nuclear energy, transportation systems, railways and subways, they are the brain and basis of operations in these critical national infrastructures. Disruption of critical infrastructure can have a rapid and increasing impact on society, exacerbated by the high interdependence between critical infrastructures. In 2009, the Stuxnet malware demonstrated the reality and seriousness of ICS cybersecurity. In connection with the widespread use of the concept of Industry 4.0, cybersecurity of ICS is becoming especially relevant. The article provides brief information on the essence and components of the ICS, and briefly analyzes the current state of their cybersecurity. ICS cybersecurity assessment studies are analyzed in the areas of risk management, malware detection and analysis techniques, cybersecurity monitoring honeynet technologies and test benches for cybersecurity assessment, and open research issues in these areas. Basic research methods: modeling, comparative and descriptive methods, methods of analogy, analysis and synthesis; The main research approaches are systematic, complex and situational. It is expected that the results will be useful for the formation and development of cybersecurity infrastructure of industrial control systems in Azerbaijan, improvement of scientific research in the field of cybersecurity SIS, as well as for the development and practical implementation of a set of measures for national information security (pp.16-29).

Keywords: Industrial control systems, SCADA, PLC, critical national infrastructure, cybersecurity.
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