№1, 2021
The article proposes a methodological approach to intelligent supply and demand management in a dynamically changing labor market. Changes in the structure of professions, the obsolescence and disappearance of a number of professions and specialties, the emergence of new ones with the use of Industry 4.0 determine the priority professional groups and specialties in labor market management. New professions and specialties, in turn, require the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities. This gives rise to a discrepancy between the structure of education and the need of the labor market for specialists of the required profile and determines the relevance of developing the methods for assessing supply and demand for specialists in various fields. Decision methods based on a fuzzy multicriteria model are developed to determine the priority of professional groups and specialties in the labor market, the correspondence of supply and demand for these priorities is reduced to the problem of recognizing fuzzy patterns. In accordance with possible scenarios for the interaction of supply and demand, methods and algorithms for decision support are developed, taking into account the multivariate nature of the coordination of demand and supply. The proposed approach is the methodological basis of the decision support system for compliance of supply and demand with priority professional groups and specialties, it allows us to assess the real situation on the labor market, taking into account the development of an innovative economy, employers' requirements for new professions, specialties and competencies (pp.70–82)
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