№2, 2020


Laman F. Hamidova

The article explores international experience in the field of ethnobotany information systems. It analyzes existing approaches to the architecture of the ethnobotany information system. The proposed ethnobotany information system includes botanical characteristics of plants, usage forms, chemical composition, photos, name of plants in several languages, and visual representation of vegetation distribution range on the map. Based on the existing experience, recommendations are made on the architecture of the ethnobotany information system. An information system is established to store and process the plants in a unique database. For this purpose, the components of the information system are analyzed and their interoperability principle is graded. The role of complex data standards in the set of ethnobotany databases, their analysis, problems and solution methods to the formation of information systems are studied. The server used for the ethnobotany database, the interrelationship of the information presented here are analyzed and their conceptual architectural basis is developed (pp.134-144).

Keywords: ethnobotany, information systems, complex information standards, SQL server, database, table-type data used in database.
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