№2, 2020


Rasmiya Sh. Mahmudova, Kamala Sh. Gurbanova

The article is dedicated to the technologies of automation of communication of people with hearing and speech impairments with the support of information and communication technologies (ICT) that play an important role in overcoming many problems. It provides information about static and dynamic gestures that allow information exchange of people with communication problems at work. The question of coding elements of the Russian dactyl alphabet for recognition of the text represented by gestures is studied. It is recommended to apply the same coding system to the Azerbaijani Dactyl Alphabet. The article indicates that the process of automatic recognition of gestures is carried out through various mathematical methods, algorithms and computer systems. The examples on various methods and systems that ensure consistent recognition of gestures shown by the movement of the hands, and their compilation on text form is shown, and their main problems are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of technologies in the field of gesture recognition are mentioned. It is recommended to create a national electronic database that recognizes national dactyl alphabet and gestures in the Republic of Azerbaijan (pp.102-110).

Keywords: gesture language, alternative communication, semiotics, dynamic and static gestures, gesture recognition methods, dactyl alphabet.
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