№2, 2020


Masuma H. Mammadova, Jabrayilova G. Zarifa

The article highlights the problems of improving the efficiency of safety and health management of shift workers in offshore oil and gas industry through the prism of the human factor. It explores the specific features of the environment, hazards and risks, working conditions and professional activities in the offshore sector. The trends of safety and health management of personnel employed on offshore oil platforms are emphasized. Despite the sufficient elaboration of the knowledge base about the health hazards and mechanisms for their elimination in the traditional system of occupational safety and health protection, the safety and health issues directly related to the human factor have not been sufficiently studied so far. The status of the problem of safety and health of personnel in the context of the human factor is studied on the example of SOCAR. The concept of a person-centered approach to the personnel safety and health management is proposed, implying the inclusion of employees in the control loop as the main component in their contextual environment. Based on IoT technologies and e-health solutions, a functional model of a system for continuous remote monitoring of the health of workers during their shift on offshore oil platforms is developed. The architecture and principles of functioning of a distributed intelligent health management system for shift workers in offshore industry are proposed (pp.13-31).

Keywords: offshore oil and gas industry, person-centered approach, IoT, continuous remote monitoring system, intelligent health management system.
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