№1, 2020


Javid J. Agashov, Тabriz J. Agashov

In the article, the current status of LoRaWAN network and development perspectives are analyzed, and conceptual architecture of data storage on moving objects are proposed.  In the modern world, Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most promising areas of information technology various wireless technologies are used to build IoT networks. Therefore, the article explores the architecture of the new communication technology LoRaWAN, network features and application areas.  Technical requirements for LoRaWAN network construction, LoRa devices and their types are analyzed. A comparative analysis of LoRaWAN with other technologies is carried out. The advantages of using LoRaWAN compared to other technologies for the rapid transfer and loss of data collected through IoT devices are explained.  Using LoRaWAN, a conceptual architecture of data transfer on moving objects is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is determined by its efficient data transmission (pp.109-122).

Keywords: LPWAN, LoRa, LoRaWAN, IoT/M2M, frequency manipulated signals, Gaussian filter, distributed networks, base stations.
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