№1, 2020


Rena T. Gasimova, Rahim N. Abbaslı

Digital materials include continuously growing text documents, databases, structured and unstructured image, sound and graphic materials, software and web pages. Increasing pace of the generation of digital information has brought a need to analise the structure of the input files and create relevant and meaningful output faster. The article explores the features of search algorithms, their shortcomings and potential use cases for their application in order to maximize their advantages. It is found that it is necessary to use the algorithms based on artificial intelligence to solve problems associated with improving the quality of the search, increasing the amount of data and the intensity of user queries. The article analyzes the search algorithms, their shortcomings and potential use cases for their application in order to maximize their advantages (pp.98-108).

Keywords: digital heritage, digital data, Big data, Big Data Analytics, search engines, information retrieval, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning.
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