№2, 2019


Malahat N. Salmanova

The article describes the development of software for modeling complex systems using fuzzy timed Petri nets (FTPN). A classification scheme for Petri net extensions used in the simulation and control of parallel processes in real time is presented. It is shown that the process of computer simulation includes the design of the system, the construction of a mathematical model, an algorithm for the functioning of the model and the development of a computer program. A block diagram of software and computer modeling have been developed and the stages of the software development process are shown. Key aspects of management applications developed in the Delphi 7.0 visual programming environment are demonstrated. Instrumental and applied software for modeling parallel systems using FTPN implemented in the MATLAB environment using the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox expansion pack (pp.105-113).

Keywords: asynchronous processes, computer modeling, software, fuzzy timed Petri net, trapezoidal fuzzy interval.
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