№1, 2019


Yadigar N. Imamverdiyev

Effective coordination of the activities of actors (state organizations, private sector, public organizations and citizens), which are engaged in the system of ensuring the information security of the e-government, is of decisive importance. The effectiveness of coordination directly depends on the timely and qualitative exchange of information between these actors. Therefore, by building the topological structure of the corresponding information flows and analyzing them, reengineering can be implemented and the efficiency of the coordination system can be improved. To this end, in this paper, the coordination system is decomposed into a hierarchical four-level structure for modeling the e-government coordination system, and a multi-agent network model is built for it. To assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the coordination system under consideration, using this network model, the hierarchy index, inertia index, and a number of other indicators are proposed (pp.47-58).

Keywords: e-government, information security, coordination, hierarchical structure, inertia index, coordination degree, social network analysis.
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